Top 10 Foods to Stop Eating and Why – Let’s Get Real About Nutrition!

If you want more energy and are tired of struggling with your workouts and sleep, and getting through the day feels like a monumental task, then it’s time to talk about what you’re putting in your bod.

It’s super common to eat foods that are likely sapping you of vitality and life, so let’s take a deep dive into the junk that may be lurking in your diet. 

I’m not just talking about the obvious offenders – you know, the usual suspects like soda and candy – I’m talking about the everyday foods that seem “okay” but are secretly sabotaging your progress. If you’re serious about fitness, longevity, and living life at peak performance, it’s time to clean house!

Let’s go through the 10 foods you need to quit at all costs and why.

1. Sugary Drinks – The Liquid Sugar Bomb

The worst of the worst, folks. Sugary drinks are a ticking time bomb for your metabolism. I’m talking soda, energy drinks, and even those so-called “healthy” juices. They’re filled with sugar that spikes your insulin and sends you on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Studies show excessive sugar consumption leads to weight gain, insulin resistance, and even liver disease. 

And if you think diet soda is better, think again. Studies show that people who drink diet soda regularly are at a higher risk for developing metabolic syndrome, which includes increased belly fat, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol levels. 

Ironically, research suggests that diet soda drinkers are more likely to gain weight. Artificial sweeteners, like aspartame and sucralose, can trick your brain into craving more sugar, leading to increased appetite and overeating of sugary or high-calorie foods. Ditch the soda all together and hydrate with good ol' H2O.

2. Processed Meats – The Silent Killers

Look, when I’m in Jackson Hole and there is Elk on the menu, I’ll have it. But processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, or deli slices, NO THANK YOU! These bad boys are packed with nitrates and other chemicals that increase your risk of cancer and heart disease. 

A 2015 World Health Organization study straight-up classified processed meats as a carcinogen. You don’t need that in your body. Opt for lean, unprocessed meats or plant-based alternatives instead.

3. Refined Carbohydrates – The Blood Sugar Wreckers

I’m talking white bread, pastries, and cookies – the stuff that gives you a quick hit of energy and then leaves you crashing. Refined carbs have been stripped of their nutrients and fiber, so they go straight to your bloodstream, spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels. 

According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, high intake of refined carbs is linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

4. Fried Foods – The Fat Factory

I know, fries taste amazing, but the oils used in frying are a disaster for your health. They’re often loaded with trans fats that increase inflammation, clog your arteries, and put you on the fast track to heart disease. 

A recent study from the British Medical Journal showed a significant link between fried food and early death. Want longevity? Say no to the fries.

5. Artificial Sweeteners – The Sneaky Saboteurs

You think you’re being smart with your zero-calorie sweeteners, but these sneaky ingredients can trick your brain into craving more sugar and mess with your gut health. As I mentioned above, cut these out at all costs!

Recent research points to artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose contributing to insulin resistance and messing with your gut microbiome.

6. Margarine and Hydrogenated Oils – The Heart Wreckers

Margarine? It’s basically trans fat in a tub. These hydrogenated oils were designed to be shelf-stable, but they’re a nightmare for your heart. 

The American Heart Association has long warned against trans fats because they raise your bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower the good stuff (HDL). Stick with natural fats like extra virgin organic olive oil, sesame oil or avocado instead.

7. Candy and Sweets – The Empty Calories

Look, candy is pure sugar and chemicals – nothing more. Eating it regularly wreaks havoc on your teeth, blood sugar, and waistline. And guess what? It doesn’t fill you up. 

Studies show that regular refined sugar intake is tied to increased obesity rates and metabolic syndrome. It’s no wonder we have an obesity epidemic on our hands. Did you know that experts are predicting that over 90% of people will be obese by 2030? Not if I have anything to say about it! 

8. Highly Processed Snack Foods – The Gut Busters

Chips, crackers, pretzels – they might seem harmless, but they’re full of empty calories, refined carbs, and sodium. 

Studies have shown that they contribute to chronic inflammation, which can lead to a host of diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, joint pain, and diabetes. You want a snack? Try raw nuts or fresh-cut veggies.

9. Fast Food – The Nutrient Desert

We all know fast food is bad, but it’s not just about the calories. These meals are nutrient deserts, loaded with unhealthy fats, salt, and sugar. Eating them regularly? You're inviting weight gain, high cholesterol, and a ton of preventable diseases into your life. 

10. Packaged Fruit Juices – The Sugar Trap

Just because it’s fruit doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Packaged juices are often packed with added sugars and lack the fiber you get from whole fruit. This sugar spike contributes to weight gain and can mess with your blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes overtime. 

Wrap It Up!

The bottom line, folks? Your body is a temple, and you wouldn’t throw garbage into a temple, right? Be mindful of what you eat, make informed choices, and fuel your body with the good stuff. 

Stay away from these foods, focus on whole, nutrient-dense meals, and you’ll see your energy, mood, and performance skyrocket. Let’s keep pushing play, people!