The Powerful Benefits of Deep Sleep + Why it Matters So Much

What’s the one necessary component that will help you crush your day, dominate your workouts, and live life with that extra bit of oomph?  You got it, SLEEP

Yeah, I’m talking about that thing most of us don’t prioritize. Trust me, if you want to be a powerhouse during the day, you need to dial in your sleep game at night. 

Sleep isn’t just for survival—it’s for THRIVING. When it comes to sleep, deep sleep is the secret sauce to having more energy, more focus, more motivation and so much more.

I didn’t use to prioritize my sleep, but once I started doing it, especially after my jaunt with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, It’s been a game changer in how I feel during the day. 

Why Sleep Matters (and Why Deep Sleep is a Big Deal)

First off, sleep isn’t just about lying still for 8 hours. No, my friend, sleep is the ultimate recovery tool. It’s like pressing the reset button for your brain, body, and spirit. If you’ve ever felt sluggish, foggy, or just plain blah, I bet you didn’t get quality sleep the night before. 

You can hit the gym hard, eat clean, and be motivated—but without good quality sleep, you’re not firing on all cylinders!

And when I talk about sleep, I’m talking about deep sleep, the kind of sleep that takes your recovery to the next level. This is where your muscles rebuild, your immune system gets stronger, your organs detox and your brain clears out the gunk. 

Deep sleep is like getting VIP access to recovery and regeneration. Miss out on it, and you’re leaving way too many health benefits on the table. 

Tips for Getting the Best Sleep Ever

Alright, here’s where the rubber meets the road. How do we get this magical deep sleep and set ourselves up for epic energy? Here are the top tips that have worked for me: 

Stick to a schedule

Your body thrives on routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, every day. No, I’m not saying you must be a monk, but consistency is key (heard that one before, huh?) When you create a sleep schedule, your body starts to know when it’s time to power down, making it easier to hit those deep sleep levels

Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Your bedroom should be a sleep sanctuary! Keep it cool (between 65° to 68° is prime-time), dark, and quiet. Blackout curtains and white noise machines are your best friends here. And hey, leave the phone outside the room. The blue light from screens messes with your melatonin and delays that sweet, sweet sleep. 

Track your sleep and REM

Even if you think you’re getting enough sleep every night, you may not be getting enough deep sleep. There are numerous wearables you can use to track your sleep; everything from watches and bracelets to rings.  If you’re struggling to get sufficient REM and Deep Sleep, then you should consider the mattress and sheets you’re spending 8 hours a day on! 

Invest in a good quality mattress and sheets

Many of you know I’ve been sleeping on bamboo sheets for years. They’re soft as silk and temperature regulating. I also recently made the switch to an Essentia organic performance mattress after learning about a double-blind sleep study of 75 professional athletes. 

Over a 10-week period, the athletes used an approved sleep-tracking device to log all sleep activity on their existing mattresses to get a baseline. Then each athlete was gifted what they believed to be an Essentia Dormeuse REM9 performance mattress. 

Each athlete got a brand-new mattress free of any distinguishable brand names or features. Twenty athletes received a REM9, and the remaining fifty-five received either a leading memory foam mattress, gel mattress or organic mattress. The results for the Essentia REM9 performance mattress were outstanding, with athletes experiencing a 20% to 60% increase in both REM and Deep Sleep cycles! 

Wind Down Window

One of the biggest mistakes people make is going straight from their busy day into bed. You need a buffer zone. An hour before bed, start winding down. Stretch (you know I’m all about that!), read a book, or do some deep breathing. This tells your body, “Hey, we’re getting ready to sleep here!” 

Whatever you do, get off your phone or any electronic at least one hour before bed so that you are not activating your Pineal gland. This is the gland that is responsible for Melatonin production, and when you consistently expose it to blue-light screens, it shuts down production.

Skip the Late-Night Caffeine and Heavy Meals

If you’re slamming espresso or coffee in the later afternoon to get energy, don’t expect your body to thank you. Caffeine sticks around longer than you think, so cut it off in the mid-morning. The same goes for heavy meals—eating too late makes it harder to get deep, restorative sleep as your digestion will be working overtime and will disrupt your sleep.


This one’s a no-brainer. You knew I was going to say it! Exercise helps you sleep better. Moving your body during the day makes it easier for your body to relax at night. But, don’t exercise too close to bedtime, as you could spike your cortisol which will prevent deep sleep Give yourself a few hours to wind down after a tough workout.

The BIGGER Benefits of getting deep sleep

Now that I’ve shared the actions you can take to get the best sleep, here are all the powerful benefits that come from getting deep, restful sleep:

Physical Restoration

  • Cellular Repair: During deep sleep, the body focuses on repairing and regenerating tissues, muscles, and bones. This is the time when growth hormone is released, promoting tissue recovery and repair, especially after exercise or injury.

  • Immune System Boost: Deep sleep enhances the immune system by increasing the production of cytokines, proteins that help fight infections and inflammation. This is why good sleep can make you more resistant to illness.

Brain Health and Cognitive Function

  • Memory Consolidation: Deep sleep helps solidify new memories by transferring short-term memories to long-term storage. It plays a significant role in learning and retaining information.

  • Cognitive Processing and Creativity: It contributes to problem-solving abilities and creativity by giving the brain time to process complex information and thoughts.

  • Brain Detoxification: The brain removes toxins accumulated during the day through the glymphatic system. This process is most active during deep sleep, and it’s the ONLY time your brain can clean itself! This helps prevent cognitive decline and reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. If that’s not reason enough, I’m not sure what is! 

Hormonal Regulation

  • Balancing Hormones: Deep sleep is crucial for regulating important hormones like cortisol (stress hormone) and insulin. It helps keep appetite-related hormones like leptin and ghrelin in check, preventing overeating and supporting healthy weight management.

  • Mood and Mental Health: A lack of deep sleep can lead to mood disturbances, anxiety, and depression. Deep sleep helps regulate neurotransmitters like serotonin, promoting emotional stability and well-being.

Cardiovascular Health

  • Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: During deep sleep, heart rate and blood pressure decrease, allowing the cardiovascular system to rest and recover. Chronic sleep deprivation can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

  • Metabolic Health: Deep sleep is important for maintaining healthy glucose metabolism and preventing insulin resistance, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Physical Performance

  • Muscle Recovery and Strength: Deep sleep is essential for athletes and active individuals as it allows muscles to recover from stress and rebuild stronger, which enhances physical performance over time.

  • Reduced Inflammation: Chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart disease and arthritis. Deep sleep helps to lower inflammation levels in the body.

In short, deep sleep is critical for overall health, supporting everything from brain function to immune resilience, hormone balance, and physical recovery.

Add that to the benefits provided by Essentia’s patented organic foam mattress; such as amazing posture support, Active Cooling without chemicals, and unmatched pressure relief! Get ready for your sleep quality and your sleep scores to increase! 

Final Thoughts: Sleep Like a Champ!

At the end of the day (literally), sleep is where the magic happens. It’s the foundation of your energy, mood, and performance. 

Prioritize deep sleep, follow these tips, and you’ll be ready to take on whatever the day throws at you. Wake up refreshed, recharged, and ready to bring it