Top 10 Things in Your Home That Could Be Making You Sick

You do your best to work out and eat well so you can have more energy and feel healthy, but here’s the deal—no matter how much sweat you pour out in the gym, if your home is full of stuff that’s messing with your health, you’re never gonna reach your peak. 

Your house should be a sanctuary, not a minefield of toxins. So, let's talk about the Top 10 Things in Your Home that Could Be Making You Sick—and how to fix them!

1. Mold

We’re starting with the big one—mold! This sneaky little fungus loves damp spaces like your bathroom, basement, and even behind your walls. Mold can trigger everything from allergies to asthma, and long-term exposure can do some serious damage, especially toxic black mold. Keep things dry and clean, folks! A dehumidifier can help, and make sure you don’t have any leaks anywhere in your home.  

2. Household Cleaners

You want a clean house, right? Of course! But some of those heavy-duty cleaners under your sink are filled with chemicals that can irritate your lungs, and skin, and even mess with your hormones. 

Go for non-toxic, eco-friendly products that get the job done without exposing you to a chemical cocktail. Trust me, it’s worth the switch. There are so many more natural options out there now, and it’s pretty amazing what a little baking soda and lemon can do when it comes to cleaning.

3. Dust Mites

These little guys are everywhere—and I mean everywhere. They thrive in your bed, couch, and carpets. You don’t see ‘em, but they’re there. 

Dust mites love feeding on dead skin cells, and their droppings can cause allergic reactions. Gross, right? Wash your bedding regularly, invest in dust-mite-proof covers for your pillows and mattresses, and be sure to vacuum like it’s your job!

4. Cutting Boards

That cutting board you’ve been using since who knows when? It might be harboring bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, especially if it’s wooden with lots of nicks and cuts. Swap it out for plastic or bamboo and wash it thoroughly after each use—preferably in hot, soapy water or the dishwasher. And for the love of veggies, keep separate boards for raw meat and produce!

5. Old Mattresses

If your mattress is older than a decade, it’s time to upgrade. Old mattresses can be full of dust mites, mold, and even toxins from flame retardants. Not to mention they lose their support over time, which messes with your sleep quality. Get a new one—preferably organic and non-toxic—and wake up feeling refreshed, not congested and groggy. 

I recently upgraded my 15-year-old mattress with the Essentia Organic mattress which is non-toxic and has no chemicals. I have to say I sleep much better and wake up feeling refreshed. It also gives me peace of mind knowing zero chemicals could disrupt my health in any way, especially after I went through Ramsay Hunt. If you’re interested in learning more about the Essentia mattresses, click here. 

6. Air Fresheners/Candles

I get it—everyone loves a fresh-smelling home, but those synthetic air fresheners and scented candles are packed with harmful chemicals called phthalates. They can disrupt your endocrine system, and who needs that? 

After Shawna and I learned about this, we swapped all our plug-in air fresheners in the house to essential oils and Pura Air Fresheners. They’re non-toxic and even safe to use around children and pets! 

Opt for essential oils or natural alternatives. Your lungs (and hormones) will thank you.

7. Non-Stick Cookware

That non-stick pan you’ve been flipping pancakes on? It’s probably coated in a chemical called PFOA, which can release toxins when heated. Instead, go for cast iron, stainless steel, or ceramic cookware. There are a lot of alternatives out there now. They’ll last longer, and your food will taste better, too!

8. Pet Dander

We all love our pets, but their dander can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. Keep your pets clean by bathing and brushing them regularly, and vacuum your home often—especially if they spend a lot of time on the furniture or in your bed. There are even special pet vacuums these days that have filters that suck up all the dander.

9. Dirty Humidifiers

Humidifiers are great for adding moisture to dry air, but if you don’t clean them regularly, they can pump mold and bacteria straight into your lungs. Yikes! Clean them every few days and change the water daily. Remember, if you suspect mold in your place, a humidifier can only add to that problem. 

10. Carpets

Carpets are basically giant filters—they trap dust, dirt, pet dander, and even chemicals. Over time, that stuff can cause allergies and respiratory issues. If you can, replace carpets with hardwood or tile. If not, vacuum often and consider professional cleaning regularly. 

So, there you have it! Your home should be a place where you feel energized, not sluggish or sick. A few simple changes can make a huge difference in how you feel. Keep things clean, go natural where you can, and most importantly—stay healthy and strong.