The Power of 1% More: Transform Your Workouts, Transform Your Life

I know more than anyone how hard it can be to stay consistent with exercise, or how easy it can be to give up when you’re not seeing progress. That’s why I’m writing about a small tweak you can make that can totally revolutionize the way you approach your workouts and your life.

We’re talking about the power of adding just 1% more each day. Now, you might be thinking, “Tony, 1%? That’s nothing!” But trust me, this small, consistent effort adds up to massive results over time. Let’s dig in.

Why 1%?

The idea behind 1% more is simple, but the impact is profound. When you think about improving by 1%, it doesn’t feel overwhelming. It’s not asking you to make a huge leap or to do something drastic. It’s just a tiny bit more—a few extra reps, a slightly heavier weight, a bit more intensity.

And here’s the kicker: when you commit to adding that 1% every day, it compounds. What starts as a small improvement snowballs into significant progress.

Imagine this: you’re doing push-ups. Maybe you can do 20 before you’re spent. But what if tomorrow, you pushed yourself to do 21? And the next day, 22? By the end of the month, you could be doing 50 push-ups! That’s the power of 1%—small, incremental gains that lead to big changes.

Did you know that the British Cycling team hadn’t ever won a Tour De France in a hundred and ten years until they hired a coach to help them make gains by 1%. You won’t believe the changes they endured and how they finally became winners all-around. Click here to read the article.

Building Momentum

One of the biggest challenges in fitness—and in life—is consistency. We start off strong, but when things get tough, motivation can wane. The beauty of the 1% philosophy is that it helps you build momentum.

Each day, you’re stacking a win on top of another win. That sense of achievement, no matter how small, keeps you moving forward. It’s like running downhill—once you get going, it’s easier to keep going.

Momentum is the key to long-term success. When you’re constantly improving, even by a little bit, you’re creating a habit of success. You’re training your mind and body to expect progress, and that’s powerful.

The days when you’re tired, stressed, or just not feeling it, you can still commit to that 1% because it feels doable. And guess what? Those are the days that often make the biggest difference.

Breaking Through Plateaus

We’ve all been there—hitting that dreaded plateau where progress seems to stop. It’s frustrating, right? But here’s the good news: 1% more is your secret weapon to breaking through. When you’re not making gains, it’s usually because your body has adapted to your current routine. By adding just a little more each day, you’re constantly challenging yourself and forcing your body to adapt.

Plateaus aren’t just physical—they’re mental, too. We can get stuck in a mindset where we think we’ve reached our limit. But when you adopt the 1% mentality, you’re constantly proving to yourself that you can do a little more.

That mindset shift is critical. It keeps you from settling, keeps you from getting complacent. You start to realize that there’s always room for improvement, no matter how small.

Start Today

So, what are you waiting for? Start today. Don’t worry about making huge changes—just focus on that 1%. Whether it’s one more rep, one more minute of cardio, or one more pound on the bar, commit to being just a little bit better than you were yesterday. Over time, those small improvements will add up to something amazing.

Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. And progress is made 1% at a time. You’ve got this!

**Legal Disclaimer: Power Nation Productions, LLC, and Tony Horton (“we,” ” us,” “our”) does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the information provided by third parties or third-party websites. Furthermore, we do not provide fitness, nutrition medical, or supplement advice. All information provided is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Accordingly, before you take any action based on such information we provide, we encourage you to consult the appropriate professionals. The use or reliance of any information provided is used solely at your own risk.