Resolution to Solution

Many humans start every new year with some kind of resolution; whether it's to eat better, workout more, or take better care of their health most resolutions fail.

The problem is usually very HIGH expectations and no real solutions on HOW to accomplish these resolutions.

By February or March, most people have forgotten about their resolutions and are right back to engaging in the poor behavior they wanted to change in the first place.

They throw in the towel all too easily because they feel a lot of pressure due to not setting themselves up for success.

So, how do you make REAL change that sticks? How do you overcome habits you know are not serving you in reaching your health and fitness goals?

  1. Approach change as a lifestyle NOT a quick fix. If you have your ego tied up in change, you will most likely not follow through or feel disappointed if you don’t reach your “goal” in a certain amount of time. Ask yourself “who do I need to be to make this a lifestyle?” then lead from that place. The goal or habit you want to create must be compelling enough for you to follow through.

    If your expectations are too high or you don’t have a plan, you will most likely give up before you even get started.

  2. Surround yourself with the “right” people. Find people that will support you on your journey and be an integral part of it. Do they have a similar lifestyle as you? Can they hold you accountable, and vice versa.

    This is the #1 thing that keeps me fit and healthy; the community I have that shows up at my house each and every day to get our workouts done. Withouth them, I’d be a sloth on the couch (I’m not lying…)

  3. Lower your expectations. Too often people will set unachievable goals riddled with high expectations. Again, this is a recipe for NOT being successful. So, instead of setting unrealistic expectations, like you’re going to climb Mt. Everest in 3 months, or weight what you did in high school, instead tell yourself to just SHOW UP to whatever it is you committed to and once you’re there, do your best and forget the rest (see what I did there.)

  4. Release judgment; Judging yourself and others will keep you stuck in a negative mindspace. If you are constantly hard on yourself and criticizing your efforts, it’s going to be very hard to follow through on making lifestyle changes. If you’re judging others all the time, it shows where you need to do more self-reflection and healing around your own self-esteem.

These are just a few ways you can start to be in solution around the things you desire. If you want your life to change, start small. Check yourself in each of these areas above and put them into place each time you want to create something new in your life.

Let me know how it goes. If you want to hear more on this topic, check out my latest Tony’s Tuesday Talk on Instagram by clicking here.