Building Muscle; The Key to Longevity and Optimal Health

In a world that focuses on cardio, HIIT workouts and getting your sweat on to stoke the metabolism, there is ONE key component that is often missing in all of that; building muscle.

Now, I know you may be thinking – "Tony, isn't that just for the gym rats and bodybuilders?" Well, let me tell you, building muscle isn't just about looking good in the mirror; it's a key ingredient to unlocking the door to a longer, more vibrant life.

First things first, let's debunk the myth that building muscle is only for the young guns. No matter your age, you can benefit from strength training. I mean look at me, I’m 65 and getting stronger by the day. As a kid I was scrawny and had no muscle tone. Weight training has been the biggest blessing in my life, and I’m convinced is what keeps me as fit, agile and functional as I am.

As we age, our muscle mass naturally decreases, and that's where the trouble begins with injuries. When you don’t have muscle to protect your bones, it’s easier to break a hip or shoulder (Two of the most common injuries in folks above 70). So, what do you say we kick Father Time in the rear and start building muscle for a future that's as bright as a Californian sunrise?

Building muscle is like giving your body a turbo boost – it revs up your metabolism, torches fat, and helps you maintain a healthy weight. You see, muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so by adding a bit more muscle to your frame, you're turning your body into a fat-burning machine 24/7. Who doesn't want that?

Most people want to build muscle because it looks good, but being strong and having muscle helps you live with more functionality in your life.

Think about it – when you've got the strength to carry your groceries without breaking a sweat or the endurance to tackle a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing, life becomes a whole lot more enjoyable. Or what about getting up and down off the floor with your grand kids and being able to keep up with them? Building muscle isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling good and living your best life.

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how to build that muscle…

Resistance training is your best mate in this journey and you want to go slow and start small. Grab some light dumbbells, easy resistance bands, or just use your body weight, which to start, is plenty – the options are endless.

Aim for a mix of exercises that target different muscle groups. Squats for the legs, push-ups or plank for the chest, arms and abs, and rows for the back – variety is the spice of life, and it applies to your workouts too. I usually tell people who have never lifted weights, especially women to start with 2-3 sets of 12 to 15 reps of the lightest weights and build from there.

Inside Power Nation Fitness, we include worksheets with every strength workout, so our members can keep track of where they started and how much strength they are building. It helps to keep anyone motivated, especially when they see gains over time, not to mention how good it makes them feel.

When it comes to building muscle and strength training, consistency is the name of the game. You wouldn't expect to get a six-pack after one ab workout, right? The same goes for building muscle.

Stick to a regular exercise routine, and you'll start seeing and feeling the results. Start out with 2 days a week of weight training, then add more as you get stronger. I do upper body workouts on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s with my crew at home, and then I do Plyometrics on Wednesday’s to build strength in my legs.

Mix in some cardio for overall heart health, but DO NOT neglect the weights – they're your ticket to a fitter, stronger you.

Now, let's talk about the magic word – longevity. Studies have shown that maintaining muscle mass as you age is directly linked to a longer life. It's like having a secret weapon against chronic diseases and frailty. A strong body means a resilient body, ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

The bottom line is, find a program you like, or work with a trainer to help you get started. I’m a big believer in having support any time you take on something new, or want to get back to something you used to do.

In the end, building muscle isn't just a fitness trend or a passing fad. It's a lifestyle choice that pays off in dividends. It's about investing in your future self, ensuring that you have the strength and vitality to enjoy every moment. So, get out there, lift those weights, and let's build a foundation for a longer, healthier, and more kick-ass life.

If you feel confused about where to start, come check out Power Nation Fitness. We have programs for people of all shapes, sizes and ages.

My Power of 4 by Tony Horton® Program is a great place to start and is changing the way people approach exercise and strength training. We offer a 14-day free trial so you can check it out. Click here to learn more.