The Importance of Gratitude in Your Life

This week in the States we celebrate Thanksgiving; a day of giving thanks for all the abundance we have in our lives.

I don't know about you, but I think it's silly that we coin only ONE day a year to focus on giving thanks when each of us has so much to be grateful for.

Gratitude, we hear influencers, coaches and mentors talk about it, and it almost seems a bit cliche, yet it can truly be instrumental in helping to change your life for the better. I am living proof!

Even though the practice of gratitude might not seem like an obvious fit for a workout warrior like me, I have to say it's been a game-changer in my life.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "Tony, I'm here to get fit and sweat it out, not sit around and talk about feelings."

Well, hold onto your dumbbells, because gratitude is a powerhouse that can transform not just your workouts, but your entire life!

Even though the practice of gratitude might not seem like an obvious fit for a workout warrior like me, I have to say it's been a game-changer to my life.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "Tony, I'm here to get fit and sweat it out, not sit around and talk about feelings." Well, hold onto your dumbbells, because gratitude is a powerhouse that can transform not just your workouts, but your entire life!

Gratitude is like the secret sauce for a fulfilling and energized existence. When you make a regular practice of counting your blessings, it's like giving your mind, body, and spirit a daily dose of premium fuel. And what happens when you fuel up with the good stuff? You perform better, recover faster, and live with a sense of purpose.

Think about it – when you wake up and start your day with a grateful heart, you're setting the tone for success. It's like prepping your mental gym for a killer workout. You're telling yourself, "I've got this. I'm grateful for the strength and health to tackle whatever challenges come my way."

And don't underestimate the impact of a positive mindset on your physical performance. I've seen it time and time again – those who approach their workouts with gratitude push harder, lift heavier, and endure longer. It's not just about the physical; it's about tapping into a well of inner strength that comes from acknowledging and appreciating the amazing machine that is your body.

As you know, gratitude goes beyond the gym and infiltrates every aspect of your life. When you practice gratitude regularly, you start to notice the silver lining even on the toughest days.

When I am in a bad mood or feel a bit down, the first thing I do is bring myself to the present moment and name 3 things in the here and now that I am grateful for. My amazing wife, my 3 super cute pups, and the fact that I have YOU as part of my incredible community. That would keep any human smiling for days….

Now, you might be wondering how to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine. It's simple, really. Take a few minutes each day – maybe before or after your workout – to reflect on the things you're thankful for. It could be the support of loved ones, the opportunity to pursue your passions, or even the sunrise that greets you every morning.

And here's a bonus tip, keep a gratitude journal. Either in the morning or the evening, write down three things you're thankful for every day. It doesn't have to be an epic saga; even the small victories count. As I mentioned above, I focus on the here and now and think of the things or people that provide support in my life. I also give thanks for the incredible strength I have, and for my health, especially after my illness in 2017.

Over time, you'll have a powerful record of positivity that you can revisit whenever life throws some curveballs your way, and we all know LIFE will do that.

So, there you have it, the importance of a regular gratitude practice. It's not just about changing your mindset; it's about transforming your entire approach to life. Whether you're sweating it out in the gym or tackling the challenges of everyday existence, gratitude is your secret weapon.